Wednesday, September 13, 2006

My Method

As with chess, the strongest computer backgammon programs can beat even the strongest human players. However unlike chess, the world's best backgammon neural net programs will run on your home PC or Mac. Playing against programs like BGBlitz immeasurably improves your real world play. However you can also use them to help your online play. If you are thinking of going online to play backgammon for money, in my opinion you cannot defend yourself against players using backgammon programs. A strong program can inform all your decisions about best moves, and best doubling, in real time. Here's how to join the world of "computer assisted" backgammon.

The major backgammon sites all scan your list of running programs to look for AI software. There is no way around this. You'll need two separate computers running side by side. The software I'm going to recommend is processor heavy, so you'll want a fast machine. Any OS will do for the AI software, but you need a PC for Partygammon.

Step 1
Go download BGBlitz. It is my favourite program of all available, and it runs on every major operating system. Try it out for a few games, you'll definitely enjoy it.

Step 2
Go back to the BGBlitz website, and shell out $23 for the "Player" version. I don't have a financial interest in BGBlitz, though I do think Frank Berger who wrote it deserves to be a millionaire. You need the extra features in the "Player" version. Assuming you just want to make money, not get good at backgammon, you can hold off on purchasing the more expensive "Professional" edition, that has more extensive training tools.

Step 3
While you wait for Frank to send you a license code, go download the Party Gammon software here. I do have a financial interest in that click, but I happen to think Party Gammon is the most user friendly site. It also has the biggest advertising budget, meaning that it attracts the most schmos, willing to lose their money.

Step 4
Configure BGBlitz with just a few tweaks:
1. In the Setup Menu, under miscellaneous settings, change "Best Moves Dialog Box always uses" up to 3-ply
2. In the Game Menu under Setup Players, change the second player to "Tachi AI II", "Expert" level, and Search Depth of "2". Leave the cube policy at "Normal". (If you have a really really fast machine, you can leave it at "3")
3. In the Game Menu under Setup Game, select the Manual Dice option.

Step 5
You are ready to play. Choose a game online and start the match running. Use the manual dice to enter every dice roll that happens online, into BGBlitz. Fo the first move be sure, to start the correct player off first in BGBlitz. When your opponent makes a move, replicate it for the human player in BGBlitz. Then when BGBlitz makes the next move in response, you copy that move online. If you hate the move, or the cube play, that BGBlitz suggests, use the Evaluate Position and Best Moves menu options to see what BGBlitz would do at its most advanced level. 99 times out of 100 there is no difference. Often its moves are non-intuitive for a novice player, but that's what makes it so brutally strong.

Step 6
If you are playing for money, enjoy your win. A marginally dishonest cash win is just as satisfying as an honest no-cash win.

Step 7
If you like my system, leave me a comment.